Optics in strongly driven systems

One of my main research interests is the behavior of light in systems which are strongly driven in time by some external field. This concept encompasses a wide array of physical systems which fall under a variety of different subfields in physics. Some examples include:

Within this domain, I have specifically focused on two main topics:

  1. The general description of electromganetic response when strong time dependence is present in addition to dispersion

  2. The generation of entangled photon pairs from time dependent systems


  1. J Sloan, N Rivera, JD Joannopoulos, M Soljačić. "Optical properties of dispersive time-dependent materials." arXiv:2211.16166 (2022).

  2. J Sloan, N Rivera, JD Joannopoulos, M Soljačić. "Casimir light in dispersive nanophotonics." Physical Review Letters (2021).

  3. J Sloan, N Rivera, JD Joannopoulos, M Soljačić. "Controlling two-photon emission from superluminal and accelerating index perturbations." Nature Physics (2022).

Last modified: July 12, 2023. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.